Create an admin scoped user

A user with an admin scope is required to access the API that rewards the transactions with points from the transactions microservice (from the microservices lab). You can create one from the App ID dashboard

1. Create a user

In this example, you can create a user with a username of admintest and a password of password. If you choose a different one, take note of it for later use.

2. Add the role to the user

To add a role, go to the section Cloud Directory > Users and click on the + sign beside the "No roles assigned to user". Then choose the admin.

3. Create a secret for the user with the admin scope

$ oc create secret generic bank-oidc-adminuser-workshop --from-literal=APP_ID_ADMIN_USER=<your-username> --from-literal=APP_ID_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<your-password>

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