Part 1

1. Quickly install dependencies

This step lets you quickly install App Id

$ cd example-bank/scripts

Log in your IBM Cloud account with the ibmcloud cli

Make sure to use your personal account when it asks you.

$ ibmcloud login -u YOUR_IBM_CLOUD_EMAIL

Create an App ID instance using the script.

$ ./

App ID instance created and configured
Management server: https://****
Api key:           YOUR_API_KEY

Then export the App ID instance's management server and the API key.

$ export MGMTEP=https://****

Log in with the OpenShift cluster provided for you using the OpenShift console. On the upper right corner, click your account and then click on Copy Login Command. This should open a new window and show you the command to login with the oc cli

Create secrets using the script below. This creates the necessary secrets in your OpenShift cluster


Deploy the front end microservice from the Identity Management Workshop

$ cd ..
$ oc apply -f deployment.yaml

2. Build Java microservices

Build the microservices - user, transaction, and erasure microservices.

$ cd bank-app-backend
$ mvn -pl :transaction-service -am package
$ mvn -pl :user-service -am package
$ docker build -t $DOCKER_HUB_USER/lab-transaction:1.0 transaction-service
$ docker build -t $DOCKER_HUB_USER/lab-user:1.0 user-service

Then, build the erasure service

$ cd ../bank-user-cleanup-utility
$ mvn package
$ docker build -t $DOCKER_HUB_USER/lab-erasure:1.0 .

You can now push the container images you built

$ docker login
$ docker push $DOCKER_HUB_USER/lab-transaction:1.0
$ docker push $DOCKER_HUB_USER/lab-user:1.0
$ docker push $DOCKER_HUB_USER/lab-erasure:1.0

Last updated

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