Exercise 3: Expose the gateway via DNS with TLS enabled
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In the previous exercise we created a DNS entry for the Ingress controller.
In this exercise we enable secure HTTPS access via the Istio Ingress gateway on port 443. The procedure we will use in this exercise is documented in the IBM Cloud documentation here. There is also generic documentation about Secure Gateways available in the Istio documentation.
The Istio Ingress gateway on the IBM Cloud is of type LoadBalancer and in the last exercise we created a DNS entry for it. In the background this also automatically generates a "Let's encrypt" certificate and private key for HTTPS/TLS traffic and it creates a Kubernetes secret of type 'tls' containing this certificate and key.
The secret is created in the 'default' namespace. The Istio Ingress pod is running in the 'istio-system' namespace. The following info is from the Kubernetes documentation: Secret resources reside in a namespace. Secrets can only be referenced by Pods in that same namespace. Therefore we need to pull certificate and key from the secret in the 'default' namespace, change its name, and create a new secret in the 'istio-system' namespace so that the Istio Ingress gateway can use it.
Example output:
Note: IBM Cloud does create for you a free Certificate Manager service instance, to manage the certificates for your Kubernetes cluster. For more details please visit the additional section.
You should see 2 entries, the first is for the Kubernetes Ingress that is created for you when the cluster is created. The second is the Istio Ingress subdomain you created in the last exercise.
Copy the "SSL Cert Secret Name" (should end on -0001) and paste it into another environment variable:
The secret was created in the 'default' namespace. In order to use it with Istio, we want to modify the name and place it in the 'istio-system' namespace.
Open the mysecret.yaml
file in an editor, e.g. nano
, change the value of the secret name from ...
something like name: [your-clustername]-******-0001
to ...
name: istio-ingressgateway-certs
and save the file.
Your changed file should look similar to this example, the changed line is line 12 (istio-ingressgateway-certs
Here the second command deletes the Istio Ingress pod to force it to reload and use the the newly created secret `istio-ingressgateway-certs.
Optional: You can verfiy the result also in the Kubernetes Dashboard. Here you can see our newly created secret
Default Namespae
Istio-System Namespace
you obtained in the last exercise and copy or note the valueNote: In case you did the automated setup and you don't have the $INGRESSURL
use this command to get the URL:
Edit the file istio-ingress-tls.yaml:
Replace the 2 occurances of wildcard "*", one in the Gateway definition, one in the VirtualService definition and save the file with the $INGRESSURL value. Watch out for the correct indents, this is YAML!
This creates 2 Istio objects: Gateway and VirtualService, both in the default
namespace. The Gateway definition basically allows to direct requests via HTTPS to services in the default
The VirtualService definition for this Gateway uses matching rules to map specific paths/URIs to services that do not exist at the moment, we will create them later. If you look in the YAML file, you can see 3 "match" rules, they are all based on the "hosts" definition which is the Ingress URL:
routes to the Keycloak service on port 8080
routes to the Web-API service on port 8081
, the root (/
) without a path, routes to the Web-App on port 80, this is the service that delivers the frontend app to the browser
This last step, replacing the wildcard host "*" with the correct DNS name, is not really necessary. The Ingress Gateway would work with the wildcard, too, but now you have a correct configuration that is more secure. And this is what this workshop is about, isn't it?
creates an Istio Gateway configuration using the TLS certificate we stored in a Kubernetes secret before.
Note: There is a blog on the Istio page that describes how to Direct encrypted traffic from IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Ingress to Istio Ingress Gateway. With this scenario you can have non-Istio secured services communicate with services secured by Istio, e.g. while you are migrating your application into Istio.
This blog also contains an important piece of information regarding the Let's Encrypt certificates used:
The certificates provided by IKS expire every 90 days and are automatically renewed by IKS 37 days before they expire. You will have to recreate the secrets by rerunning the instructions of this section every time the secrets provided by IKS are updated. You may want to use scripts or operators to automate this and keep the secrets in sync.
Here are some questions you may have regarding TLS (HTTPS):
We let IBM Cloud create a DNS entry and Let's Encrypt certificate
We added this certificate to the Istio Ingress
We added the DNS name (host) to the Istio Ingress Gateway definition
We added it also to the VirtualService definition that configures the Gateway and here is our secret, look at IKS/istio-ingress-tls.yaml:
The Gateway definition specifies HTTPS only and points to the location of the TLS certificates. The VirtualService definition specifies 3 rules:
If call the DNS entry / Ingress URL with
it will direct to keycloak.With
it will direct to the web-apiWithout an path it directs to the web-app itself.
That is the beauty of Istio! Yes, we make our requests via http which is most obvious with the web-app that is called on port 80.
But Istio injects an Envy proxy into every pod in the default namespace automatically. We defined this when we set up Istio, it is in the script you ran.
There is also an Envoy proxy in the Istio Ingress pod. Communication between the Envoys is always encrypted, Istio uses mTLS. And all our requests flow through the proxies so even if the communication between e.g. web-api and articles is using http, the communication between the web-api pod and the articles pod is secure.
No, at least not not totally. By default, after installation, Istio uses mTLS in PERMISSIVE mode. This allows to test and gradually secure your microservices mesh.
In the later exercise
Secure microservices with strict mTLS
you will see how to change that.