Lab - Adding Secure Storage to k8s


Before starting the exercise, you need to have

Overview of IBM Cloud Object Storage

An important part of data security and persistence on Kubernetes depends on physical storage outside the container orchestration engine that Kubernetes is. You can use PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim to map data directories to external physical storage. But also, data persistence on a stateless platform like Kubernetes should require extra attention.

IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) offers a few exceptional features that help secure data on Kubernetes. IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) actively participates in several industry compliance programs and provides the following compliance, certifications, attestations, or reports as measure of proof:

  • ISO 27001,

  • PCI-DSS for Payment Card Industry (PCI) USA,

  • HIPAA for Healthcare USA, (including administrative, physical, and technical safeguards required of Business Associates in 45 CFR Part 160 and Subparts A and C of Part 164),

  • ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management,

  • ISO 27017,

  • ISO 27018,

  • ISO 31000 Risk Management Principles,

  • ISO 9001 Quality Management System,

  • SOC1 Type 2 (SSAE 16), (System and Organization Controls 1),

  • SOC2 Type 2 (SSAE 16), (System and Organization Controls 2),

  • CSA STAR Level 1 (Self-Assessment),

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ready,

  • Privacy shield certified.

At a high level, information on IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS) is encrypted, then dispersed across multiple geographic locations, and accessed over popular protocols like HTTP with a RESTful API.

SecureSlice distributes the data in slices across geo locations so that no full copy of data exists on any individual storage node, and automatically encrypts each segment of data before it is erasure coded and dispersed.

The content can only be re-assembled through IBM Cloud’s Accesser technology at the client’s primary data center, where the data was originally received, and decrypted again by SecureSlice.

Data-in-place or data-at-rest security is ensured when you persist database contents in IBM Cloud Object Storage.

You also have a choice to use integration capabilities with IBM Cloud Key Management Services like IBM Key Protect (using FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified hardware security modules (HSMs)) and Hyper Protect Crypto Services (built on FIPS 140-2 Level 4-certified hardware) for enhanced security features and compliance.

Overview of IBM Cloud Object Storage Plugin

This lab uses the IBM Cloud Object Storage plugin to connect an encrypted Object Storage to the Kubernetes cluster via PersistentVolume. A MongoDB database is setup that persists its data to a highly encrypted IBM Cloud Object Storage through PersistentVolume. A sample Java Spring Boot application stores its data in the MongoDB database and its data gets encrypted and persisted.

IBM Cloud Object Storage plugin is a Kubernetes volume plugin that enables Kubernetes pods to access IBM Cloud Object Storage buckets. The plugin has two components: a dynamic provisioner and a FlexVolume driver for mounting the buckets using s3fs-fuse on a worker node.

s3fs allows Linux and macOS to mount an S3 bucket via FUSE.


The web-terminal that is used as the client is based on a custom implementation of the ttyd image by tsl0922. We have created a custom Dockerfile using the ttyd image to support different client cli tools for this workshop, found at


  1. Login to IBM Cloud.

  2. Start an instance of the web-terminal

    Important: if a web-terminal session times out or the web-terminal container is restarted, you'll lose every work that was performed during the session, if it's not persistent. It is helpful, to save certain environment variables also in a separate text file, so you can quickly copy-paste the environment variables to reset the environment.

  3. In the web-terminal, go to your $HOME directory,

     cd $HOME
  4. login to IBM Cloud from the CLI tool.

     ibmcloud login

    or if using Single Sign On,

     ibmcloud login -sso
  5. Retieve your cluster information.

     ibmcloud ks clusters


     $ ibmcloud ks clusters
     Name                              ID                     State    Created        Workers   Location          Version                   Resource Group Name   Provider   
     yourcluster                       br78vuhd069a00er8s9g   normal   1 day ago      1         Dallas            1.16.10_1533              default               classic
  6. For your convenience, store your IKS cluster name in a environment variable CLUSTERNAME for future reference.

     export CLUSTERNAME=<your cluster name>
  7. Connect to your cluster instance.

     ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster $CLUSTERNAME


     $ ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster $CLUSTERNAME
     Added context for leez-iks-1node to the current kubeconfig file.
     You can now execute 'kubectl' commands against your cluster. For example, run 'kubectl get nodes'.
  8. Verify the connection to your cluster.

     kubectl config current-context
     kubectl get nodes

Helm v3

For this lab, you need Helm v3 to install IBM Cloud Object Storage Plugin and MongoDB. Check which version is installed in your web-terminal.

    helm version --short

If you see version 2 of Helm, you need to add Helm v3.

    curl -LO
    chmod 755
    helm version --short

Preparing IBM Cloud Object Storage Service Instance

Note: The cluster you are using is created and lives physically on a different account, named 1840867 - Advowork, than your personal account. When you work with the managed IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS) via your web-terminal and execute kubectl commands, you must be logged in to this account.

But for this section, we will use a Cloud Object Storage (COS) service on your personal account. So you need to create another web-terminal session by opening a new tab and loading the same URL to your web-terminal, but this time you log in to your personal account.

  1. From your current web-terminal browser, copy the URL, e.g.

  2. Open a new tab in your browser, and paste the URL to open a new web-terminal session,

  3. Log in to IBM Cloud,

     ibmcloud login
  4. When asked to select an account, choose 1. your personal account,

Now you are good to continue. Make sure that when you execute kubectl commands again, to switch back to your other web-terminal session that is connected to the 1840867 - Advowork account, cause that is where the IKS clusters are located.

  1. If you have an existing IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance, you can use that instance for the remaining of the exercise and you can skip the following steps.

  2. If you don't have any IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance or prefer to create a new instance for this exercise, go to and create a Lite plan of Cloud Object Storage for free. You can only have 1 single free Lite instance per account.

  3. Note, that if you are using a pre-created cluster you are now logged into a different account than your personal account, because the other account is where the clusters were created for you. On this other account you do not have permission to create new services, so switch to your personal account first before you create the new service.

  4. If you are using the CLI to create a new service, in the Cloud Shell open a new session, and login to your personal account,

  5. You also need a resource group at the time of writing, but none was created when you created a new account recently yet,

    Check if you already have a resource-group

     ibmcloud resource groups
     Name      ID                                 Default Group   State   
     Default   282d2f25256540499cf99b43b34025bf   true            ACTIVE

    If you do not have a resource group yet, create one,

     $ ibmcloud resource group-create Default
     Creating resource group Default under account 5081ea1988f14a66a3ddf9d7fb3c6b29 as
     Resource group Default was created.
     Resource Group ID: 93f7a4cd3c824c0cbe90d8f21b46f758
  6. Create a new Object Storage instance via CLI command, for the lab you can use a Lite plan.

     $ ibmcloud resource service-instance-create <instance-name> cloud-object-storage <plan> global -g Default

    For example,

     ibmcloud resource service-instance-create cos-securityconference cloud-object-storage Lite global -g Default


     $ ibmcloud resource service-instance-create cos-securityconference cloud-object-storage Lite global -g Default
     Service instance cos-securityconference was created.                 
     Name:             cos-securityconference   
     ID:               crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/          
     GUID:             fef2d369-5f88-4dcc-bbf1-9afffcd9ccc7   
     Location:         global   
     State:            active   
     Type:             service_instance   
     Sub Type:            
     Allow Cleanup:    false   
     Locked:           false   
     Created at:       2020-05-29T15:55:26Z   
     Updated at:       2020-05-29T15:55:26Z   
     Last Operation:                   
                   Status    create succeeded      
                   Message   Completed create instance operation
  7. Now you need to add credentials.

    ``` export COS_CREDENTIALS=my-cos-lab2-credentials

  8. You can do this from the CLI,

     ibmcloud resource service-key-create $COS_CREDENTIALS Writer --instance-name "cos-securityconference" --parameters '{"HMAC":true}'
     ibmcloud resource service-key $COS_CREDENTIALS
  9. Or via the web UI. In a browser, navigate to which shows a list of your services providioned in your cloud account.

  10. Expand the Storage section.

  11. Locate and select your IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance.

  12. Navigate to the Service credentials tab.

  13. Click on New credential button.

  14. Change the name to reference the Cloud Object Storage, e.g. my-cos-lab2-credentials

  15. For Role accept Writer,

  16. Accept all other default settings, and select Add to create a new one.

  17. Expand your new service credentials, you will need the credentials to configure the persistent volume later, and take a note of

    • apikey in your Service credential and

    • name of your IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance.

  18. For your convenience, in the Cloud Shell store information in environment variables, store the Object Storage service name in COS_SERVICE and the credentials apikey in COS_APIKEY. Store each environment variable in cloud shell sessions for both accounts if you are using both your personal account and the pre-created account.

In the Cloud Shell,

    export COS_SERVICE=cos-securityconference
    export COS_APIKEY=<your-cos-apikey>

Note: replace the example values with your own!

  1. Retrieve GUID of your IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance. Note, that you should open a separate session in the cloud shell and be logged in to your own personal account. You have to be logged in to the account where the COS instance was created.

     ibmcloud resource service-instance $COS_SERVICE | grep GUID


     $ ibmcloud resource service-instance $COS_SERVICE | grep GUID
     GUID:                  fef2d369-5f88-4dcc-bbf1-9afffcd9ccc7
  2. For your convenience, store information in environment variable COS_GUID.

     export COS_GUID=<your GUID>

    Note: replace the example value with your own GUID.

Switch Back to the 1840867 - Advowork Account

  1. Switch back to your other web-terminal session, the session where you are logged in to the 1840867 - Advowork account, cvause we are switching back to our IKS cluster.

  2. Copy-paste the command to set the COS_GUID and the COS_APIKEY environment variables.

     export COS_GUID=fef2d369-5f88-4dcc-bbf1-9afffcd9ccc7
     export COS_APIKEY=H4pWU7tKDIA0D95xQrDPmjwvA5JB4CuHXbCAn6I6bg5H

    Note: replace the example value with your own GUID. Note: it is recommended when working with the web-terminal to keep a separate text file with environment variable settings, so when your session loses connection or the container restarts you can paste back your settings quickly.

  3. Create a Kubernetes Secret to store the COS service credentials named cos-write-access.

     kubectl create secret generic cos-write-access --type=ibm/ibmc-s3fs --from-literal=api-key=$COS_APIKEY --from-literal=service-instance-id=$COS_GUID

Installing IBM Cloud Object Storage Plugin

You are going to install the IBM Cloud Object Storage Plugin in your cluster, using the Helm CLI tool in this section.

  1. In the Cloud Shell with access to your remote cluster, add a Helm repository where IBM Cloud Object Storage Plugin chart resides.

     helm repo add ibm-charts


     helm repo add ibm-charts
  2. Refresh your local Helm repository.

     helm repo update
     Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
     ...Successfully got an update from the "ibm-charts" chart repository
     Update Complete. ⎈ Happy Helming!⎈
  3. Download and unzip the IBM Cloud Object Storage plugin to your client, then install the plugin to your cluster from local client.

     helm pull --untar ibm-charts/ibm-object-storage-plugin
     ls -al
     helm plugin install ./ibm-object-storage-plugin/helm-ibmc
  4. Housekeeping to allow execution of the script by making the file executable.

     chmod 755 $HOME/.local/share/helm/plugins/helm-ibmc/
  5. Verify the IBM Cloud Object Storage installation. The plugin usage information should be displayed when running the command below.

     helm ibmc --help

Configuring IBM Cloud Object Storage Plugin

Before using the IBM Cloud Object Storage Plugin, configuration changes are required.

  1. In the Cloud Shell where you downloaded the IBM Cloud Object Storage plugin, navigate to the templates folder of the IBM Cloud Object Storage Plugin installation.

     cd ibm-object-storage-plugin/templates && ls -al
  2. Make sure the provisioner-sa.yaml file is present and configure it to access the COS service using the COS service credentials secret cos-write-access that you created in the previous section.

  3. Open file provisioner-sa.yaml in a editor.

      vi provisioner-sa.yaml
  4. Search for content ibmcloud-object-storage-secret-reader in the file. To move to the right section in the file, in the vi editor,

    • Type colon :

    • Type /ibmcloud-object-storage-secret-reader

    • Press <ENTER> key

  5. Find the section below in the vi editor. It's a few lines down.

      - apiGroups: [""]
          resources: ["secrets"]
          #resourceNames: [""]
  6. Use the <i> key to change to Insert mode in vim, uncomment the line and change the section to set the secret to cos-write-access and allow access to the COS instance,

      - apiGroups: [""]
          resources: ["secrets"]
          resourceNames: ["cos-write-access"]
  7. Save the change and quit the vi editor.

    • Press <ESC> key

    • Type :wq

    • Press key

Now, install the configured storage classes for IBM Cloud Object Storage,

  1. In the Cloud Shell, navigate back to the user root folder.

     cd $HOME
  2. Install the configured storage classes for IBM Cloud Object Storage, which will use the edited template file.

     helm ibmc install ibm-object-storage-plugin ./ibm-object-storage-plugin


     $ helm ibmc install ibm-object-storage-plugin ./ibm-object-storage-plugin
     Helm version: v3.2.0+ge11b7ce
     Installing the Helm chart...
     DC: hou02
     Chart: ./ibm-object-storage-plugin
     NAME: ibm-object-storage-plugin
     LAST DEPLOYED: Sat May 23 17:45:25 2020
     NAMESPACE: default
     STATUS: deployed
     REVISION: 1
     Thank you for installing: ibm-object-storage-plugin.   Your release is named: ibm-object-storage-plugin
  3. Verify that the storage classes are created successfully.

     kubectl get storageclass | grep 'ibmc-s3fs'


     $ kubectl get storageclass | grep 'ibmc-s3fs'
     ibmc-s3fs-cold-cross-region     43h
     ibmc-s3fs-cold-regional         43h
     ibmc-s3fs-flex-cross-region     43h
     ibmc-s3fs-flex-perf-cross-region   43h
     ibmc-s3fs-flex-perf-regional    43h
     ibmc-s3fs-flex-regional         43h
     ibmc-s3fs-standard-cross-region   43h
     ibmc-s3fs-standard-perf-cross-region   43h
     ibmc-s3fs-standard-perf-regional   43h
     ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional     43h
     ibmc-s3fs-vault-cross-region    43h
     ibmc-s3fs-vault-regional        43h
  4. Verify that plugin pods are in "Running" state and indicate READY state of 1/1:

     kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide | grep object


     $ kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide | grep object
     ibmcloud-object-storage-driver-jwbcw                  1/1     Running   0          43h   <none>           <none>
     ibmcloud-object-storage-plugin-654fc7cd86-kcs8n       1/1     Running   0          43h   <none>           <none>

    If the pods are not READY and indicate 0/1 then wait and re-run the command until the READY state says 1/1.

    The installation is successful when one ibmcloud-object-storage-plugin pod and one or more ibmcloud-object-storage-driver pods are in running state.

    The number of ibmcloud-object-storage-driver pods equals the number of worker nodes in your cluster. All pods must be in a Running state for the plug-in to function properly. If the pods fail, run kubectl describe pod -n kube-system <pod_name> to find the root cause for the failure.

  5. Execute the command below until all pods are in Running state with 1/1.

     $ kubectl get pods -n kube-system -o wide | grep object
     ibmcloud-object-storage-driver-jwbcw                  1/1     Running   0          43h   <none>           <none>
     ibmcloud-object-storage-plugin-654fc7cd86-kcs8n       1/1     Running   0          43h   <none>           <none>

Review the Object Storage Configuration

IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service provides pre-defined storage classes that you can use to create buckets with a specific configuration.

  1. List available storage classes in IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service.

     kubectl get storageclasses | grep s3

    The Lite service plan for Cloud Object Storage includes Regional and Cross Regional resiliency, flexible data classes, and built in security. For the sample application, I will choose the standard and regional options in the ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional storageclass that is typical for web or mobile apps and we don't need cross-regional resilience beyond resilience per zones for our workshop app, but the options to choose for usage strategies and therefor the pricing of storageclasses for the bucket is very granular.

  2. Review the detailed IBM Cloud Object Storage bucket configuration for a storage class.

     kubectl describe storageclass ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional


     $ kubectl describe storageclass ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional
     Name:                  ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional
     IsDefaultClass:        No
     Annotations: ,
     Parameters:  ,,,,,,,,,,,
     AllowVolumeExpansion:  <unset>
     MountOptions:          <none>
     ReclaimPolicy:         Delete
     VolumeBindingMode:     Immediate
     Events:                <none>

    Additional information is available at

Create Bucket

Data in the IBM Cloud Object Storage is stored and organized in so-called buckets. To create a new bucket in your IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance,

  1. In the Cloud Shell in the session logged in to the account that owns the Cloud Object Storage instance, assign a name to the new bucket. The bucket name MUST be globally unique in the IBM Cloud. A simple way to ensure this is to use a random hash or your username as part of the name. If the bucket name is not globally unique, the command in the next step will fail.

     export COS_BUCKET=<username>-bucket-lab2
  2. Create a new bucket.

     ibmcloud cos create-bucket --ibm-service-instance-id $COS_GUID --class Standard --bucket $COS_BUCKET


     $ ibmcloud cos create-bucket --ibm-service-instance-id $COS_GUID --class Standard --bucket $COS_BUCKET
     Details about bucket <username>-bucket-lab2:
     Region: us-east
     Class: Standard
  3. Verify the new bucket was created successfully.

     ibmcloud cos list-buckets --ibm-service-instance-id $COS_GUID


     $ ibmcloud cos list-buckets --ibm-service-instance-id $COS_GUID
     1 bucket found in your account:
     Name    Date Created    
     <username>-bucket-lab2    May 29, 2020 at 21:22:37
  4. Get your object storage configurations,

     ibmcloud cos config list


     $ ibmcloud cos config list
     Key                     Value   
     Last Updated               
     Default Region          us-east   
     Download Location       /home/remkohdev/Downloads   
     Authentication Method   IAM   
     URL Style               VHost

    This will list your default region.

    To list your bucket's location use

     $ ibmcloud cos get-bucket-location --bucket $COS_BUCKET
     Details about bucket remkohdev123-bucket-lab2:
     Region: us-east
     Class: Standard

    With your bucket's location, e.g. us-east, you can find your bucket's private endpoint here, OR in the following steps you find it in your Cloud Object Storage's bucket configuration.

  5. In a browser, navigate to

  6. Expand the Storage section .

  7. Locate and select your IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance.

  8. In the left menu, select the buckets section Select your new bucket in the Buckets tab.

  9. Select the Configuration tab under Buckets iin the left pane.

  10. Take note of the Private endpoint.

  11. For your convenience, store the information in environment variable. In the Cloud Shell,


    Note: replace the endpoint with the one that you identied in the previous setp.

Create the PersistentVolumeClaim

Depending on the settings that you choose in your PVC, you can provision IBM Cloud Object Storage in the following ways:

  • Dynamic provisioning: When you create the PVC, the matching persistent volume (PV) and the bucket in your IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance are automatically created.

  • Static provisioning: You can reference an existing bucket in your IBM Cloud Object Storage service instance in your PVC. When you create the PVC, only the matching PV is automatically created and linked to your existing bucket in IBM Cloud Object Storage.

In this exercise, you are going to use an existing bucket when assigning persistant storage to IKS container.

  1. In the cloud shell connected to your cluster, create a PersistentVolumeClaim configuration file.

    Note: Replace the values for:


    • and


    If your values are not exactly matching with the bucket name you created, the secret name you created and the private endpoint of your bucket, the PVC will remain in state pending and fail to create.

    Note: The secret-name should be set to cos-write-access unless you changed the name of the secret we created earlier,

    Note: should be set to the output of command echo "https://$PRIVATE_ENDPOINT"

    Create the file first and then edit the file with vi if changes are needed,

  2. Create the file,

echo 'kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
    name: my-iks-pvc
    namespace: default
    annotations: "false" "false" "<your-cos-bucket>" "cos-write-access" ""
        - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 8Gi
    storageClassName: ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional' > my-iks-pvc.yaml
  1. Edit the file and set the right values if changes are still needed,

    Echo your COS_BUCKET name to set in the PVC,

     echo $COS_BUCKET

    Edit the PVC specification,

     vi my-iks-pvc.yaml
  2. Create a PersistentVolumeClaim.

     kubectl apply -f my-iks-pvc.yaml
  3. Verify the PersistentVolumeClaim and through the PVC also the PersistentVolume or PV was created successfully and that the PVC has STATUS of Bound.

     kubectl get pvc


     $ kubectl get pvc
     NAME         STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS                  AGE
     my-iks-pvc   Bound    pvc-1a1f4bce-a8fe-4bd8-a160-f9268af2d18a   8Gi        RWO            ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional   4s

    Note: If the state of the PVC remains Pending, you can inspect the error for why the PVC remains pending by using the describe command: kubectl describe pvc <pvc_name>. For example, kubectl describe pvc my-iks-pvc.

    Note: If the state of the PVC stays as Pending, the problem must be resolved before you move to the next step.

  4. Verify a new PersistentVolume was also created successfully.

     kubectl get pv


     $ kubectl get pv
     pvc-1a1f4bce-a8fe-4bd8-a160-f9268af2d18a    8Gi    RWO    Delete    Bound     default/my-iks-pvc    ibmc-s3fs-standard-regional    74s

You're now ready to persistly store data on the IBM Cloud Object Storage within your containers in IKS clusters.

Deploy MongoDB to IKS Cluster and Persist its Datastore in IBM Cloud Object Storage

In this section, you are going to deploy an instance of MongoDB to your IKS cluster and persistly store data on the IBM Cloud Object Storage.

  1. We will skip this step, but if you want to configure the MongoDB via a values.yaml file, or want to review the default values of the Helm chart, in the Cloud Shell, download the default values.yaml file from the bitnami/mongodb Helm chart, which is used to configure and deploy the MongoDB Helm chart. In this lab we will overwrite the values from the commandline when we install the chart.

  2. We will skip this step also, but if you want to review the configuration options, open the values.yaml file in a file editor and review the parameters that can be modified during mongdb deployment. In this exercise however, you'll overwrite the default values using Helm command parameters instead of a values.yaml file.

  3. Add the bitnami Helm repository.

     helm repo add bitnami
     helm repo update
  4. Install MongoDB using helm with parameters, the flag persistence.enabled=true will enable storing your data to a PersistentVolume.

     helm install mongodb bitnami/mongodb --set persistence.enabled=true,persistence.existingClaim=my-iks-pvc,livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds=180,auth.rootPassword=passw0rd,auth.username=user1,auth.password=passw0rd,auth.database=mydb,service.type=ClusterIP


     $ helm install mongodb bitnami/mongodb --set persistence.enabled=true,persistence.existingClaim=my-iks-pvc,livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds=180,auth.rootPassword=passw0rd,auth.username=user1,auth.password=passw0rd,auth.database=mydb,service.type=ClusterIP
     NAME: mongodb
     LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jul  8 01:50:05 2020
     NAMESPACE: default
     STATUS: deployed
     REVISION: 1
     TEST SUITE: None
     ** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed **
     MongoDB can be accessed via port 27017 on the following DNS name(s) from within your cluster:
     To get the root password run:
         export MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default mongodb -o jsonpath="{.data.mongodb-root-password}" | base64 --decode)
     To get the password for "user1" run:
         export MONGODB_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default mongodb -o jsonpath="{.data.mongodb-password}" | base64 --decode)
     To connect to your database, create a MongoDB client container:
         kubectl run --namespace default mongodb-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --image --command -- bash
     Then, run the following command:
         mongo admin --host "mongodb" --authenticationDatabase admin -u root -p $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD
     To connect to your database from outside the cluster execute the following commands:
         kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/mongodb 27017:27017 &
         mongo --host --authenticationDatabase admin -p $MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD
  5. Note: if you used the same cluster for lab1 and lab2, then you can uninstall the existing MongoDB instance from lab1 by typing helm uninstall mongodb. Wait a few minutes, to give Kubernetes time to terminate all resources associated with the chart.

  6. Note, the service type for MongoDB is set to ClusterIP with the Helm parameter --set service.type=ClusterIP, so that MongoDB can only be accessed within the cluster.

  7. Retrieve and save MongoDB passwords in environment variables.

     export MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default mongodb -o jsonpath="{.data.mongodb-root-password}" | base64 --decode)
     export MONGODB_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace default mongodb -o jsonpath="{.data.mongodb-password}" | base64 --decode)
  8. Verify the MongoDB deployment.

     kubectl get deployment


     $ kubectl get deployment
     mongodb   1/1     1            1           6m30s

    Note: It may take several minutes until the deployment is completed and the container initialized, wait till the READY state is 1/1.

  9. Verify that pods are running.

    kubectl get pod


    $ kubectl get pod
    NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    mongodb-9f76c9485-sjtqx   1/1     Running   0          5m40s

    Note: It may take a few minutes until the deployment is completed and pod turns to Running state.

  10. Verify that the internal MongoDB port 27017 within the container is not exposed externally,

     $  kubectl get svc mongodb
     mongodb    ClusterIP   <none>    27017/TCP    41s
  11. Your mongodb is now saving values, and if your Cloud Object Storage and bucket were configured correctly, your customer information is now securely stored.

  12. If you review the bucket in your Object Storage, MongoDB should now be writing its data files to the object storage.

  13. Continue to Lab 3 or go back to the Summary.

Last updated

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