
Welcome to our workshop! In this workshop we'll be using the Cloud Pak for Data platform to Collect Data, Organize Data, Analyze Data, and Infuse AI into our applications. The goals of this workshop are:

  • Visualize data with Data Refinery

  • Create and deploy a machine learning model

  • Monitor the model

  • Create a Python app to use the model

About this workshop

About the data set

In this workshop we will be using a credit risk / lending scenario. In this scenario, lenders respond to an increased pressure to expand lending to larger and more diverse audiences, by using different approaches to risk modeling. This means going beyond traditional credit data sources to alternative credit sources (i.e. mobile phone plan payment histories, education, etc), which may introduce risk of bias or other unexpected correlations.

The credit risk model that we are exploring in this workshop uses a training data set that contains 20 attributes about each loan applicant. The scenario and model use synthetic data based on the [UCI German Credit dataset]( The data is split into three CSV files and are located in the data directory of the GitHub repository you will download in the pre-work section.





Introduction Video

Platform Overview

CP4DaaS Overview

[Lab] Project Setup video | Instructions

Data Wrangling

Data Wrangling Overview

[Lab] Data Refinery video | Instructions

Data Management

Watson Knowledge Catalog Overview

[Demo] WKC

Machine Learning

Machine Learning into

[Lab] ML with Jupyter Notebook video | Instructions

[Lab] Automated ML with AutoAI Lab video | Instructions

Model Deployment

Model Deployment intro

[Lab] Online Deployment & testing video | Instructions

[Lab] Batch Scoring video | Instructions

[Lab] Deploy model to Python app video | Instructions

Model Monitoring

Monitoring & Explainability intro

[Demo] OpenScale


Conclusion Video


This workshop has been tested on the following platforms:

  • macOS: Mojave (10.14), Catalina (10.15)

    • Google Chrome version 81

  • Microsoft: Windows 10

    • Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge

About Cloud Pak for Data as a Service

Cloud Pak for Data as a Service provides you with an integrated set of capabilities for collecting and organizing your data into a trusted, unified view, and then creating and scaling AI models across your business.


Last updated