Access IBM Skills Network

1. Access IBM Skills Network

  1. If you have registered your account, you can access the lab environment at and go directly to step 6.

  2. Create a new account with a Social login (LinkedIn, Google, Github or Facebook), or click the Cognitive Class button,

  3. Click Create an Account,

  4. Fill in your Email, Full Name, Public Username and password, click on the check boxes next to the Privacy Notice and Terms of Service to accept them. Then click on Create Account.

  5. You will then be taken to a page with a list of sandbox environments. Click on the option for Theia - Cloud IDE (With OpenShift)

  6. Wait a few minutes while your environment is created.

  7. You will be taken to a blank editor page once your environment is ready.

  8. What we really need is access to the terminal. Click on the Terminal tab near the top of the page and select New Terminal

  9. You can then click and drag the top of the terminal section upwards to make the terminal section bigger.

2. Connect to OpenShift Cluster

  1. Select your cluster instance and open it.

  2. Click OpenShift web console button on the top.

  3. Click on your username in the upper right and select Copy Login Command option.

  4. Click the Display Token link.

  5. Copy the contents of the field Log in with this token to the clipboard. It provides a login command with a valid token for your username.

  6. Go to the Cloud Shell tab.

  7. Paste the oc login command in the IBM Cloud Shell terminal and run it.

  8. After login to your cluster, set an environment variable for your cluster.

    export CLUSTER_NAME=<your_cluster_name>
  9. Verify you connect to the right cluster.

    kubectl get pod

3. Install s2i CLI tool

To install s2i CLI tool,

  1. Download tar file.

     curl -s \
       | grep browser_download_url \
       | grep linux-amd64 \
       | cut -d '"' -f 4 \
       | wget -qi -
  2. Unzip tar file

     tar xvf source-to-image*.gz
  3. Make s2i CLI accessiblee.

     sudo mv s2i /usr/local/bin
  4. verify

     s2i version

With that done, you can start the lab.

Last updated