Cloud Shell Setup Instructions

This section will guide you through the pre-requisites and setup of the environment used in this workshop labs. It is broken up into the following steps:

1. Sign up for IBM Cloud

You will need an IBM Cloud ID for the workshop. If you already have an IBM Cloud ID, proceed to the next section. To create an ID:

2. Login to IBM Cloud

To login to IBM Cloud,

  1. Go to in your browser and login.

  2. Make sure that you are in the correct account#.

Note: you may not have access to your OpenShift cluster if you are not in the right account#.

3. Open Cloud Shell

Most of the labs will run CLI commands. The IBM Cloud Shell is preconfigured with the full IBM Cloud CLI and tons of plug-ins and tools that you can use to manage apps, resources, and infrastructure.

  1. From the IBM Cloud Home Page, select the terminal icon in the upper right hand menu.

  2. It might take a few moments to create the instance and a new session which automatically logs you in through the IBM Cloud CLI.

    Note: Ensure the cloud shell is using the same account where your cluster is provisioned. Check that the account name shown in the top right of the screen, next to Current account is the correct one.

4. Connect to OpenShift Cluster

  1. Select your cluster instance and open it.

  2. Click OpenShift web console button on the top.

  3. Click on your username in the upper right and select Copy Login Command option.

  4. Click the Display Token link.

  5. Copy the contents of the field Log in with this token to the clipboard. It provides a login command with a valid token for your username.

  6. Go to the Cloud Shell tab.

  7. Paste the oc login command in the IBM Cloud Shell terminal and run it.

  8. After login to your cluster, set an environment variable for your cluster.

    export CLUSTER_NAME=<your_cluster_name>
  9. Verify you connect to the right cluster.

    kubectl get pod

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